23 Basic Pastries, Cakes And Desserts For Bakers And Pastry Chef

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Basic Pastries, Cakes and Desserts For Bakers and Pastry Chef

Baking is a wonderful way to express creativity and satisfy a sweet tooth. Whether you are a seasoned baker or a beginner, learning the basics of pastries, cakes, and desserts is essential. These classic treats can be enjoyed on their own or as a complement to a meal.

Pastries come in many forms, from flaky croissants to buttery shortbread cookies. They are made by combining flour, butter, sugar, and eggs. The dough is then rolled out and shaped into the desired form. Popular pastry treats include turnovers, tartlets, and cream puffs.

Cakes are a staple at celebrations and can be customized to suit any occasion. The basic ingredients for a cake include flour, sugar, eggs, and baking powder. From there, you can add flavorings like vanilla extract or cocoa powder and decorate the cake with frosting, sprinkles, or fresh fruit.

Desserts are the perfect way to end a meal on a sweet note. From creamy puddings to fruity sorbets, there are endless options to choose from. Some classic desserts include apple pie, crème brûlée, and chocolate mousse.

1. Apple Pie

Basic Pastries Cakes and Desserts Hotel Apple Pie

Preparation Method:

  • Line the pie dish with sweet paste and blind bake.
  •  Make a filling by combining diced apples, sugar, cinnamon powder, and sponge crumbs.
  •  Put the filling in the pie dish and cover it with another layer of sweet paste apply egg wash.
  •  Bake at 180 deg C for 20 min.
   Ingredients for 1.9 kg Apple Pie
Sweet paste0.5kg
Apple  0.6kg
Cinnamon powder0.01kg
Sponge crumbs0.2kg

2. Baked Cheesecake

Basic Pastries Cakes and Desserts Hotel Baked Cheesecake

Preparation Method:

  • Crumb the biscuit well and add the melted butter.
  •  Line the mold with the biscuit mix at the base and blind bake.
  •  Cream together cream cheese and sugar.
  •  Add the eggs slowly and the vanilla essence.
  •  Mix the cornflour into it, Fold in yoghurt.
  •  Fill up the mold to three-fourths with the cheesecake mixture.
  •  Bake at a temperature of 160 degrees C in a hot water bath.
   Ingredients for Baked cheesecake 
Marie biscuit0.125KG
Melted butter0.075KG
Cream cheese0.5KG
Breakfast sugar0.1KG
Vanilla essence0.005ML

3. Banana Bread/Cake

Basic Pastries Cakes and Desserts Hotel Banana Bread Cake

Preparation Method:

  • Puree the bananas with oil and keep aside.
  •  It is better to use over-ripened black bananas.
  •  Whip egg and sugar till light and fluffy.
  •  Add the banana mixture to the egg mixture.
  •  Sift flour with baking soda, cornflour, and cinnamon, and add chopped walnuts.
  •  Fold the flour into the egg and banana mixture.
  •  Pour the mixture into the lined tins and bake in the oven at 160ºC for 45 minutes.
  •  Let it cool slice with a sharp knife and serve.
   Ingredients for 7 Kg batter for Banana Bread/Cake
Baking soda0.01Kg
Corn flour0.08Kg
Eggs5 No

4. Berry Charlotte 

Basic Pastries Cakes and Desserts Hotel Berry Charlotte

Preparation Method:

  • Select a mold and line it with butter.
  •  Then line it with thin slices of Swiss roll, making sure no gaps are left.
  •  Then pour half the mold with mousse mix and then again place a thin layer of sponge over it.
  •  Then allow it to set and then add the remaining mix over it and then carefully seal it with another sponge.
  •  Chill the charlotte. Once it is set blow it with blowtorch and de-mould.
   Ingredients for 1.5 Kg Berry Charlotte
Swiss roll0.91kg
Berry mousse0.617Kg
Butter 0.02Kg

5. Black Forest Cake

Basic Pastries Cakes and Desserts Hotel Black Forest Cake

Preparation Method:

  • Boil water and sugar to make sugar syrup. Cool and set aside.
  •  Slice the sponge horizontally in 3-4 layers.
  •  Layer each sponge with sugar syrup, whipped cream, and cherry compote.
  •  Finish the top of the cake and the sides with whipped cream.
  •  Pipe the whipped cream over the cake and garnish with chocolate flakes and cherries.
   Ingredients for 1.8 Kg Black Forest Cake
Chocolate sponge 1.2Kg
Whipped cream0.4Kg
Dark chocolate flakes0.04Kg
Black cherry compote0.02Kg
Grain sugar0.1Kg

6. Caramel Custard

Basic Pastries Cakes and Desserts Hotel Caramel Custard

Preparation Method:

  • Make caramel of 30-gram sugar and pour it on the base of the molds
  •  Boil sugar, milk, and vanilla essence together.
  •  Set aside to cool.
  •  When the above mixture is lukewarm add eggs to it and strain.
  •  Pour in moulds avoiding air bubbles and cover each mould with aluminium foil
  •  Put in a deep tray with enough water to cover just over half of the moulds
  •  Bake in the oven at 150 deg C for 35 min.
  •  Cool, de-mould, and serve.
   Ingredients for 850 ml Caramel Custard
Vanilla pods0.001KG

7. Chocolate Eclairs

Basic Pastries Cakes and Desserts Hotel Chocolate Eclairs

Preparation Method:

  • Mix whipped cream with 100 gms of truffle.
  •  Pipe this mixture into the éclair shells.
  •  Melt the remaining truffle dip the top of the eclairs in the truffle and serve.
 Ingredients for 900 gms Chocolate Eclairs
Whipped cream0.3kg
Truffle 0.2kg
Eclairs 0.4kg

8. Dark chocolate mousse

Basic Pastries Cakes and Desserts Hotel Dark Chocolate Mousse

Preparation Method:

  • Soak the gelatine powder in cold water.
  •  Make crème anglaise.
  •  Add chopped chocolate to crème anglaise.
  •  Add whipped cream once the mix is cold.
  •  Warm the gelatine in a double boiler and add to the mix.
  •  Pour in the mold and chill it.
   Ingredients for 2 Kg Dark chocolate mousse
Crème anglaise1Ltr
Chocolate truffle0.7Kg
Whipped cream0.3Kg

9. Chocolate Pastry

Basic Pastries Cakes and Desserts Hotel - Chocolate Pastry

Preparation Method:

  • Cut three strips of the sheet according to the size of the pastry.
  • Boil sugar and water to make syrup.
  • Layer the sponges with sugar syrup and ganache.
  • Chill the pastry in the freezer for 30 minutes and finish with melted truffle.
  • Slice it as per the size required and serve.
   Ingredients for 900 Gms Chocolate pastry
Chocolate sheet sponge0.4KG
Grain sugar0.1KG

10. Chocolate Truffle cake

Basic Pastries Cakes and Desserts Hotel - Chocolate Truffle Cake

Preparation Method:

  • Cut the sponge into three. Boil sugar and water to make syrup.
  • Layer the sponges with sugar syrup and softened truffle.
  • Chill the pastry in the freezer for 30 minutes and finish with melted truffle.
  • Decorate as per your wish and serve as required.
   Ingredients for 1 kg Chocolate Truffle cake
Chocolate sponge0.4kg

11. Croquembouche Cake

Basic Pastries Cakes and Desserts Hotel - Croquembouche Cake

Preparation Method:

  • Roll out sweet paste to an 8-inch disc of 1/2 cm thickness and bake it until golden brown.
  •  Mix the pastry cream with whipped cream and grand mariner liquor.
  •  Heat sugar until it becomes a golden caramel color.
  •  Fill the choux paste profiteroles with pastry cream.
  •  Dip each profiterole into the caramel.
  •  and place it on the sweet paste base in such a way that it tapers at the end in a conical-shaped heap.
  •  Pour a little caramel from the top.
  •  Garnish with spun sugar.
   Ingredients for 1.8 Kg Croquembouche Cake
Sweet paste0.2Kg
Pastry cream0.3Kg
Whipped Cream0.2Kg
Grand Marnier liquor0.05Kg

12. Dobos Torte

Basic Pastries Cakes and Desserts Hotel - Dobos Torte

Preparation Method:

  • Slice the sponge horizontally into 5 layers.
  •  Make chocolate buttercream by mixing buttercream and chocolate truffle.
  •  layer each sponge layer with sugar syrup and chocolate buttercream, finishing the topmost layer with buttercream.
  •  Chill the cake for some time.
  •  Pour chocolate truffle over the cake giving it a final finishing.
  •  Make caramel and pour it into a ring layered with a sponge.
  •  Cut the caramel into 12 pieces immediately and garnish.
   Ingredients for 2 Kg Dobos Torte
Dobos sponge 0.85Kg
Chocolate truffle 0.38Kg
Buttercream 0.3Kg
Grain sugar0.4Kg

13. Fruit Tarts

Basic Pastries Cakes and Desserts Hotel - Fruit Tarts

Preparation Method:

  • Line the tart shells with melted chocolate.
  • Mix the pastry cream with the whipped cream and fill in the tart shell.
  • Arrange the fruits on top of the pastry cream and then glaze it with the cold gel.
   Ingredients for 1.8 Kg Fruit Tarts
Tart shells0.6Kg
Pastry cream0.25kg
Cold gel0.1kg
Whipped cream0.25kg

14. Gateaux Pithivier

Basic Pastries Cakes and Desserts Hotel - Gateaux Pithivier

Preparation Method:

  • Prepare the puff dough.
  •  Sheet it in a 2 cm thick circular sheet (one larger).
  •  Place the filling on the sheet that is smaller in size.
  •  Put more filling in the center and less on the sides.
  •  Brush the sides of the disc and cover it with the larger sheet press the edges to stick both bases.
  •  Pinch the sides to seal the gateaux and brush the top with the egg yolks.
  •  Score the top with a sharp blade to give a spiral design and bake it at 180C for 25 mins.
   Ingredients for 1 Kg Gateaux Pithivier
Puff Dough0.5Kg
Almond Cream/Frangipani0.5Kg
Egg Yolk0.03Kg

15. Milk Chocolate mousse

Basic Pastries Cakes and Desserts Hotel - Milk Chocolate Mousse

Preparation Method:

  • Whip cream and keep aside.
  •  Warm milk and separately take egg yolk and sugar and blend it well.
  •  Add to the warm milk and mix well.
  •  Put the mixture on low flame and keep stirring it continuously.
  •  Now add white chocolate and cool the mixture.
  •  Fold in the cream.
  •  Now add gelatine and put in the cups and keep in the refrigerator to set.
   Ingredients for 600 Grams Milk Chocolate mousse
Egg yolk0.12Kg
Milk Chocolate0.1kg
Whipped cream0.09kg

16. Mud Pie

Basic Pastries Cakes and Desserts Hotel - Mud Pie

Preparation Method:

  • Warm the Sugar syrup.
  •  Slice the mudpie and arrange it in a baking dish.
  •  Spread sugar syrup over it to soak them.
  •  Melt the truffle and pour over the mud pie.
  •  Garnish with cashew nuts and bake in the oven at 180 degrees C for 15 minutes.
  •  Sift cocoa powder and serve hot.
   Ingredients for 700 Gms Mud Pie
Mud Pie Spoon0.3kg
Sugar syrup0.1ltr
Cocoa powder0.001kg

17. Napoleon Pastry

Basic Pastries Cakes and Desserts Hotel - Napolean Pastry

Preparation Method:

  • Whip the pastry cream till smooth.
  •  Fold the whipped cream into this mixture.
  •  Bake thin sheets of puff pastry and once cooled cut out three strips of the required size.
  •  Layer each sheet of puff with creamed mix and sprinkle fresh fruits, until all three sheets are used up.
  •  Freeze the pastry for an hour as it will ease its slicing.
  •  Cut and serve garnished with fresh fruit.
   Ingredients for 600 Gms Napoleon Pastry
Puff Pastry0.3KG
Pastry cream0.3KG
Whipped Cream0.1KG
Fresh Fruits0.2KG

18. Opera gateau

Basic Pastries Cakes and Desserts Hotel - Opera Gateau

Preparation Method: 

  • Make a sugar syrup by boiling water, coffee, and sugar.
  •  Slice the sponge horizontally into 5 equal parts.
  •  Soak the sponge with coffee syrup and layer with Ganache.
  •  Put another layer soak coffee syrup and layer with Coffee butter Cream.
  •  Keep layering the cake alternating it with ganache and coffee buttercream.
  •  Finish the top and the sides with coffee buttercream and chill the cake for an hour.
  •  Top it with melted truffle and decorate the cake.
   Ingredients for 1.5 Kg Opera gateau

19. Passion Fruit Cheesecake

Basic Pastries Cakes and Desserts Hotel - Passion Fruit Cheese Cake

Preparation Method:

  • Mix crème anglaise and passion fruit puree.
  •  Cream mascarpone and curd together.
  •  Mix into crème anglaise and add passion fruit puree.
  •  Slowly fold in whipped cream.
  •  Add gelatine mix and pour in the moulds.
  •  Refrigerate the molds in the refrigerator until set.
   Ingredients for 450Gms Passion Fruit Cheesecake
Crème anglaise0.2ltr
Passion fruit puree0.06kg
Mascarpone cheese0.06kg
Hung curd0.02kg
Gelatin powder0.008kg
Whipped  cream0.1kg

20. Pineapple Gateaux

Basic Pastries Cakes and Desserts Hotel - Pineapple Gateaux

Preparation Method: 

  • Boil water and sugar to make sugar syrup.
  •  Cool and set aside.
  •  Slice the sponge horizontally in 3 layers.
  •  Layer each sponge with sugar syrup, whipped cream, and chopped pineapple.
  •  Finish the top of the cake and the sides with whipped cream.
  •  Pipe the whipped cream over the cake and garnish with pineapple wedges and roasted almond flakes on the sides.
   Ingredients for 700 Gms Pineapple Gateaux
Vanilla sponge0.25Kg
Chopped pineapple0.08Kg
Whipped cream0.16Lit
Almond Slivers0.01Kg

21. Pineapple upside-down cake

Basic Pastries Cakes and Desserts Hotel - Pineapple upside-down cake

Preparation Method:

  • First, prepare the mold. Grease the cake tin with butter and 30 gms of castor sugar.
  •  Arrange canned pineapple slices on the bottom and fill the gaps with cherries.
  •  Cream butter and sugar till fluffy. Add eggs one by one and beat well.
  •  Add milk and fold in sieved flour and baking powder along with the walnuts.
  •  Bake at 180 degrees for 40 minutes.
   Ingredients for 2 Kg Pineapple upside-down cake.
Baking powder0.02KG
Castor sugar0.33KG
Vanilla essence0.006KG
Pineapple slices0.3KG
Canned cherries0.05KG
Castor sugar0.03KG

22. Poundcake

Basic Pastries Cakes and Desserts Hotel - Poundcake

Preparation Method:

  • Beat the butter and sugar till creamy along with vanilla pods.
  •  Add eggs one by one and keep creaming until the mixture is fluffy.
  •  Sift the flour along with the baking powder.
  •  Pour the contents into a lined mold and bake at 200 deg C for the initial 10 minutes and then at 180 Deg for another 35 minutes.
Ingredients for 1 Kg  Poundcake
Vanilla pods0.005KG
Baking powder0.005KG

23. Sacher Torte

Basic Pastries Cakes and Desserts Hotel - Sacher Torte

Preparation Method:

  • Boil sugar with water to make syrup and cool.
  • Smoothen out the apricot jam with a palette knife.
  • Slice the Sacher sponge into two halves.
  • Apple sugar syrup and sandwich the two halves with apricot jam.
  • Cover the top and the sides of the cake with apricot jam and chill in the refrigerator.
  • Pour the melted truffle over the cake.
  • Write Sacher in slant font on the cake with a piping bag. 
   Ingredients for 1.5 Kg Sacher Torte
Sacher Sponge1KG
Apricot jam0.13KG
Whether you are looking to impress guests or simply satisfy a craving, mastering the basics of pastries, cakes, and desserts is a worthwhile endeavour for any baker or pastry chef.
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