SOP – Housekeeping – How To Inspect VIP Rooms / VVIP Rooms

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Inspecting VIP and VVIP Guest Rooms

The purpose of this standard operating procedure is to understand how to inspect a guest room that is made ready for any VIP, VVIP, or celebrity arrival or check-in.

The responsibility of inspecting rooms for such important guest arrivals not only lies with the Executive Housekeeper but also with other HODs or the General manager himself can inspect the room prepared for the VIP guests.  

Below are a few points to note while inspecting clean and blocked rooms for VIP/VVIP.

  • The final room inspection should be done by either the Executive Housekeeper, HOD, or the General Manager.
  •  All VIP rooms should be checked personally by any of the above-mentioned heads of the departments.
  •  The guest room is opened and looked over to gauge how it will be seen by the VIP guest when he /she enters the room.
  •  A more thorough checking is done with the use of a housekeeping room inspection checklist
  •  All neglected cleaning areas should be checked using the neglected cleaning area checklist.
  •  Along with the items and surfaces mentioned in the checklist, the bedspread, lampshade, and pictures on the wall are checked for cleanliness.
  •  The room should smell fresh, with no bad odours or dampness.{loadposition amp-mid}
  •  White-ragging is carried out on random this means checking the cleanliness of an area by wiping a white rag across it to see the degree of soiling.
  •  Check all VIP and VVIP amenities and make sure nothing is missing as per the hotel standard.
  •  Check the guest preferences or feedback from the last visit (if any) then make sure those are arranged for.
  •  Check if the complimentary wine bottle, flower basket, fruit basket, etc. is placed and in order (as per the hotel’s policy).
  •  The toilet bowls should also be checked by running a damp cotton swab under the rim.
  •  Check for any wrinkles or stain marks on all the linens used.
  •  Check the functioning of all electronic types of equipment like TV, Telephone, iPad dock, home theatre, etc.
  •  Check the functioning of the HVAC (Heating Ventilating and Air Conditioning) systems.
  •  Finally, the executive housekeeper should also do a final check on VIP rooms before releasing the room to the front desk for check-in.

Training Summary questions:

Q1. Who is responsible for inspecting the VIP rooms?

Q2. Which checklists are used while inspecting the VVIP rooms?

Q3. How to check the toilet bowls?
SOP Number: Housekeeping SOP - 24
Department: HousekeepingGuest Rooms
Time to Train: 30 Minute
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