Daily Task List – Front Office Assistant – Night Shift

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Daily Task list sample for Front Office Assistants – Night Shift


Emp Code / Name:___________________

 Time TaskDone
23:00 – 23:30     Attend Front Office Handover Briefing with Evening Shift and Duty Manager 
 Count Cash Float and take over cash from the evening shift 
 Check and log upcoming Wake-Up Calls / Airport pickup / drop Orders 
 Familiarize yourself with all pending arrivals 
 Check incomplete traces and messages of the day 
 Control Room status (dirty, clean, inspected) and house count 
 Ensure clean Public Areas 
23:30– 24:00 Handling pending arrivals 
 Check Front office emails 
 Check social media guest comments and promptly respond 
00:00 – 01:30 Print Rate variance report and check rate applied, statistical codes ( Market, Source etc.) for each in-house guests are correct. 
 Guest Profiles (Registration card complete) 
 Guest ledger Balance / Deposit due 
 Room discrepancy report 
01:30 – 03:00 Point Of Sale (POS)  Audit & Closing 
 Collect, check and count F&B report / cashier 
 File Guest Bill / Checks 
 Conduct patrol in coordination with Security 
 Check Pay Master, Permanent Folios, Group masters 
 Cashier Check and Closing 
 Check all Folios complete 
 Check Credit Cards settlements. 
 Proceed settlement (batch close) on EDC machine for CC and EPS 
 Check and drop cash payment 
03:00 – 04:30 Night Audit / End of Day Process  
Pending Arrivals checked & handled? 
 Credit Card settlements checked, Batch closed and All Cash counted, closed and dropped. 
 Control arrivals of the day, correspondence vs. system 
 Allocate room numbers to arrivals of the day 
 Print Reports TBA (see backside) 
 Create Reports (see backside) 
04:30 – 05:00 Rebate Travel Agent Commissions 
 Audit upcoming reservations of the week (every Sunday) 
 Updating Social Media Guest Comment Statistic 
05:30-07:00 Conduct round town report 
 Send reportsDaily Business report (DBR), Duty Manager Log, Daily Summary, Credit Limit, No show. 
 File reports 
 Prepare handover 
07:00 – 07:30 Conduct handover with morning Duty Manager and Morning  Shift 
07:30– 09:30 Last follow up with the AM shift 

Signature:______________                                                                             Verified By: ________________

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