SOP – Sales and Marketing – Daily Sales Briefing / Sales Meetings

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SOP Procedure for Daily Sales Briefing / Daily Sales Meetings

Sales and marketing teams are the backbone of any business. To ensure the team is working efficiently, it is important to have daily sales briefings or sales meetings. The purpose of these meetings is to discuss the current sales performance, identify any issues, and come up with strategies to improve sales.

During the meeting, the team should review the sales numbers and share any updates on ongoing sales initiatives. It is important to keep everyone in the loop and make sure everyone is working towards the same goals. Additionally, the team can also discuss any upcoming marketing campaigns or promotions that may affect sales.

Another important aspect of the daily sales briefing or sales meeting is to provide feedback to the team. This feedback can be both positive and negative, but it should always be constructive. It is important to recognize the team’s successes and encourage them to continue working hard. On the other hand, if there are areas for improvement, the team should work together to come up with solutions.

In conclusion, daily sales briefings or sales meetings are essential for a successful sales and marketing team. By reviewing sales numbers, sharing updates, providing feedback, and working together to come up with strategies, the team can improve their performance and achieve their goals.

Daily Sales Briefing Standard procedure:

  • Regular Scheduled meetings are an essential part of a successful sales and marketing team.
  •  All sales associates will attend the briefing and a representative from rooms Division and Food & Beverage Department will be invited to participate.
  •  The primary objective of the daily briefing is to discuss daily sales calls and the next day’s schedule.
  •  Regardless of the type of meeting held in the sales department, it should be meaningful and productive.
  •  The DOSM or deputy will conduct a daily sales briefing every working day.
  •  For Maximum effectiveness, the meeting should always have an agenda.
  •  Meetings should be held at times that do not conflict with sales calls or visit times.
  •  The ideal time for the meeting is before 10 AM or after 0400 PM.
  •  The daily sales briefing will last between half an hour to not more than 45 Minutes.
  •  Topics which covered are new business prospects, new promotions, publicity, and any lost business.
  •  Additional discussion about tentative blocks for group bookings and banquet events.
  •  Quick review or clarifications by the director of sales on the sales activity reports, and sales calls of the previous day.
  •  The briefing session helps to establish clear lines of communication within the sales teams and also with another area of operations (Front office and F&B Service)
  •  Daily sales meetings increase the focused approach to the day-to-day selling and sales planning for each sales associate.

Training Summary questions:

Q1. What needs to be prepared before attending the sales briefing?

Q2. Who should conduct the daily sales meeting?

Q3. What should we follow up on after the sales briefing?

Q4. What is the ideal duration and time for conducting a sales briefing?
SOP Number: Sales and Marketing SOP – 05
Department: Sales and Marketing – Sales
Date Issued: 12-Jun-2017
Time to Train: 30 Minutes
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