Standard Meat Selection Criteria In Hotels

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Standard Meat Selection Criteria in Hotels

The standard meat selection criteria in hotels involve a careful consideration of various factors to ensure the quality, freshness, and safety of the meat products served. Here are some key criteria commonly used in selecting meat for hotel kitchens:

  1. Quality Grading:
    • USDA Grading (United States): Grades such as Prime, Choice, and Select are used to denote the quality and marbling of beef.
    • EU Grading (European Union): Grading systems like PGI (Protected Geographical Indication) are used for certain meats.
  2. Cut and Trim:
    • Evaluate the cut of the meat to ensure it meets the specifications for the intended dish.
    • Check for proper trimming and removal of excess fat or connective tissue.
  3. Color and Appearance:
    • Look for meat with a fresh and vibrant color that is characteristic of the specific type of meat.
    • Avoid meat with discoloration or off-putting odors.
  4. Marbling:
    • Marbling refers to the distribution of fat within the muscle fibers. Higher marbling often indicates better flavor and tenderness, especially in beef.
  5. Texture and Firmness:
    • Assess the texture and firmness of the meat, which can indicate its freshness and overall quality.
  6. Fat Content:
    • Consider the amount of fat on the meat, as it can affect both flavor and tenderness.
    • For some dishes, a certain level of fat may be desirable.
  7. Origin and Source:
    • Know the source of the meat, including the farm or region it comes from.
    • Consider meats with certifications indicating sustainable and ethical farming practices.
  8. Freshness:
    • Check the expiration date and packaging to ensure the meat is fresh.
    • Consider the time since the meat was processed and delivered.
  9. Packaging and Handling:
    • Ensure that the meat is properly packaged and sealed to maintain freshness.
    • Verify that the supplier follows proper handling and storage practices.
  10. Safety Standards:
    • Confirm that the meat complies with food safety regulations and standards.
    • Check for certifications related to quality and safety.
  11. Supply Chain Transparency:
    • Work with suppliers who provide transparency regarding their supply chain and sourcing practices.
    • Choose suppliers with a track record of reliability and consistency.
  12. Cultural and Dietary Considerations:
    • Consider cultural preferences and dietary restrictions when selecting meat products.
    • Provide a variety of options to cater to different tastes and preferences.
  13. Cost and Budget:
    • Balance quality considerations with the overall budget for purchasing meat.
    • Consider negotiating bulk purchase agreements with suppliers for cost efficiency.
  14. Specialty Meats and Cuts:
    • Depending on the hotel’s cuisine and menu, consider offering specialty meats or cuts to enhance the culinary experience.
  15. Feedback and Performance Monitoring:
    • Gather feedback from chefs and customers to continually assess the quality and satisfaction with the meat selection.
    • Monitor performance metrics such as yield and wastage.

Types of Meat and Their Selection:


  • Fresh meat must be hung to allow it to become tender. The color darkens after it has been hung.
  •  Lean meat should be bright red, with small flecks or fat interspersed in the muscle (marbled)
  •  Fat should be firm, brittle in texture, creamy white, and odorless.


  • The flesh should be pale, pink, firm, not soft or flabby.
  •  Cut surfaces should be moist.
  •  Bones in young animals are pinkish-white, porous, and with an exceedingly small amount of blood in their structure.


  • The carcass should be compact and evenly fleshed, having an even coat of fat.
  •  Lean flesh is firm and of a pleasing, dull red color and a fine texture of grain.
  •  Fat should be evenly distributed, hard, brittle, flaky, and clean white.
  •  Bones are porous in young animals, as age progresses, they are smooth, white, and brittle.


  • Lean flesh should be pale pink changing to rose as the animal matures.
  •  Fat is white, firm, smooth, and not excessive.
  •  Bones must be small, slender, and pinkish.
  •  Fat ought to be white, smooth, and not excessive in proportion to the bacon.
  •  Lean meat should be deep pink in color and firm.


  • The liver should be fresh and not dry.
  •  Should be smooth in texture and not contain tubers in the flesh.
  •  There should be a pleasant odor.

Selection of Other Meat/Organ Parts

1. Kidney
  • Should be fresh.
  •  A certain amount of fat should be attached to the kidneys as it keeps them moist.
  •  The fat should be crisp and not sticky.
2. Tongue
  • Lamb or Ox Tongue should be fresh.
  •  There must not be an excessive amount of waste at the root end.
3. Sweetbreads
  • They should be creamy white.
  •  They should have a pleasant smell.
  •  They should be fleshly and large.
4. Oxtail
  • They should be of good size and lean.
  •  There should be no sign of stickiness.
5. Head
  • The pig’s and calf’s head should not be sticky.
  •  They should be well-fleshed and odorless.
By carefully considering these criteria, hotels can ensure that the meat they source aligns with their quality standards and meets the expectations of their customers.
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