Room Status Terminology / Definition In Hotels | Resorts

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Room Status Terminology / Definitions for hotels

During the guest’s stay, the housekeeping status of the guest room changes several times. The various terms defined are typical of the room status terminology of the lodging industry. Not every room status will occur for every guest during their stay at the hotel.

Changes in this status should be promptly communicated to the front office to maximize room sales and revenue. Maintaining timely housekeeping status requires close coordination and cooperation between the front desk and the housekeeping department for the non-automated / Semi-Automated hotels.

OCC – Occupied: A guest is currently occupied in the room

StayoverThe guest is not expected to check out today and will remain at least one more night.

On-Change: The guest has departed, but the room has not yet been cleaned and ready for sale.

DND – Do Not Disturb: The guest has requested not to be disturbed

Cleaning in progressThe room attendant is currently cleaning this room.

Sleep-out: A guest is registered to the room, but the bed has not been used.

On-QueueThe guest has arrived at the hotel, but the room assigned is not yet ready. In such cases, the room is put on Queue status so the housekeeping staff to prioritize such rooms first.

SkipperThe guest has left the hotel without making arrangements to settle his or her account.

Vacant and ready: The room has been cleaned and inspected and is ready for an arriving guest.

Out of Order (OOO): Rooms kept under out of order are not sellable and these rooms are deducted from the hotel’s inventory. A room may be out-of-order for a variety of reasons, including the need for maintenance, refurbishing extensive cleaning, etc.

Out of Service (OOS ): Rooms kept under out of service are not deducted from the hotel inventory. This is a temporary blocking and the reasons may be bulb fuse, TV remote not working, Kettle not working, etc. These rooms are not assigned to the guest once these small maintenance issues are fixed.

LO – Lockout: The room has been locked so that the guest cannot re-enter until he or she is cleared by a hotel official.

DNCO – Did not check out: The guest made arrangements to settle his or her bills ( and thus not a skipper) but left without informing the front desk.

DO – Due OutThe room is expected to become vacant after the following guest checks out.

CO – Check-Out: The guest has settled his or her account, returned the room keys, and left the hotel.

LC – Late Checkout: The guest has requested and is being allowed to check out later than the normal/standard departure time of the hotel.

EC – Early Check-in: The guest has requested an Early check-in and is being allowed to check in earlier than the normal/standard check-in time of the hotel.

VC – Vacant and Clean – The room is Vacant and Cleaned by the housekeeper.

VD – Vacant and Dirty – Room is Vacant and Dirty.

VR – Vacant and Ready – The Room is Vacant and Ready for Check-in

OR – Occupied and Ready

OC – Occupied and Clean – The room is Occupied and Cleaned by the Housekeeping.

OD – Occupied and Dirty – The room is Occupied and yet to be cleaned by the housekeeping.

V/C or O/V – Status Unclear – (Either the room is Vacant and Clean or Occupied or Vacant) needs to be verified by the Housekeeping staff.

VCI – Vacant, Cleaned, and Inspected – Room is Vacant, Cleaned, and Inspected by the Housekeeping Supervisor.

H/L – Heavy Luggage – The guest has Heavier or more luggage than usual.

L/L – Light Luggage – The guest has light or very little luggage.

N/L – No Luggage – The guest has no luggage also known as Scanty Baggage.

DL – Double Lock – The guest has put a double lock in the room.

CL – Chain Lock – The guest has placed a Chain Lock in the room.

HU – House Use – The room is used by the hotel staff or someone staying from the management team.

NCI – Newly Checked In – The room was checked in within the last one to two hours.

NS – No Show – A guest who made a room reservation but did not register or check-in.

SO – Sleep Out

SR – Service Refused – Guest refused to clean the room.

V – Vacant 

MUR – Make-Up Room 
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