Sales Correspondence Policy Setup For Banquet
BanquetFormal meal for a number of persons; all seated and served with the same meal at the same time. Introduction Letter:
This letter shall be sent after the first contact, usually by the Sales Department. It shall introduce the hotel and the facilities available and can be complemented by a hotel brochure.
Banquet Accompanying letter:
This letter shall be a standard letter which will always accompany any printed material given or sent to a potential customer.
Banquet Standard General Quotation:
This letter shall be sent to any new or potential customer upon request or whenever there is interest from the customer in receiving detailed information on the banquet facilities. Along with the accompanying letter, this information package will consist of a banquet folder with a banquet brochure detailing all the different services which the Banquet Department offers.
A standard general quotation shall never be sent by fax. The size and price of these kind of quotations is important, so the distribution of them should be justified.
Specific General Quotation:
This letter shall be sent to potential customers who have approached the hotel for detailed information on a specific topic concerning the banquet facilities, e.g.: meetings, weddings, luncheons, etc.
These customers shall receive a banquet folder with a banquet brochure and the relevant inserts of their topics of interest, as well as an accompanying letter.
For specific general quotation requests sent by fax, only the accompanying letter and the relevant inserts will be sent to the customer by mail.
Specific Quotation:
This letter shall be sent to customers who have contacted the hotel with a precise request and details, such as the kind of function, the date, the number of persons, the available budget, etc. This correspondence will be sent mainly by fax or mail. In the event the quotation is hand-delivered, it will be presented in a banquet folder. The construction of these quotations should be standardized and cover all details of the function.
This quotation shall be used to send the final confirmation to the guest and will be used as a contract after signed approval/agreement from the customer is received.
Banquet Confirmation letter:
Normally, the confirmation letter shall hold the same updated information as the specific quotation previously sent to the guest. The structure of the confirmation shall be standardized in order to cover all aspects of the function and will be used as the final contract.
To confirm a function, the customer has either to sign this document and send it back or to draft her/his own confirmation letter which holds identical information. Except in the case of last-minute bookings or repeat business, the confirmation letter shall always be preceded by a quotation.
Thank you letter:
After each function, a thank you letter shall be sent to the organiser. For convention files, this letter will be sent by the Sales Department.
Files of past functions can only be closed or deactivated when the thank you letter has been sent. Different standard thank you letters will be made (to avoid repetition).
For any function problem occurring, a tailor-made thank you letter must be made.
Banquet Correspondence rules:
- All mail must be answered within 48 hours.
- All mail sent to customers must be printed. Hand-written letters are not allowed.
- Spelling mistakes are frowned upon as giving an unprofessional impression; therefore all letters must be spell-checked by the computer before being printed.
Training Summary Questions For Banquet:
Q1. What type of letter should be sent to the client immediately after the first contact?
Q2. When should you send a standard general quotation?
Q3. Examples for specific general quotations?
Q4. When is a confirmation letter sent to the client?
Q5. Why is it important to perform a spell-check by the computer before sending it to the client?
SOP Number: Food and Beverage Service SOP - 24 Department: Food and Beverage Service – Banquet Date Issued: DATE THE DOCUMENT WAS CREATED Time to Train: 45 Minutes