Finance – Inventory Control Procedure And Tips For Hotels | Resorts

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How to Control Inventory in Hotels | Resorts

Effective inventory control is essential for hotels and resorts to ensure that they are providing their guests with the best possible experience. Without proper inventory management, hotels and resorts can run into issues such as overstocking or understocking, which can lead to a whole host of problems.

One of the most important things that hotels and resorts can do when it comes to inventory control is to conduct regular audits. This will help to identify any areas where inventory is being wasted or where more inventory is needed. It’s also important to establish clear policies and procedures for inventory control, including how often inventory should be checked and how it should be stored.

Another tip for effective inventory control in hotels and resorts is to use technology to help manage inventory. This can include using software to track inventory levels and automate reordering when certain items reach a certain threshold. It can also involve using barcodes or RFID tags to make it easier to track inventory as it moves throughout the hotel or resort.

Inventory Control is often coordinated through the accounting department. Although some departments perform inventories of their supplies for their benefit.

Major inventories should not be conducted by department heads or supervisors for their departments. Better control is obtained when the inventory control staff comes from outside the department. Like for Example inventory control audit of Housekeeping done by the Accounts department.

Inventory control for IT appliances and other equipment may be enhanced through the use of serial numbers marked on the manufacturer’s plate on many pieces of equipment. If there are no such serial numbers of markings from the manufacturer then you should consider implementing a system with unique serial numbers for each department.

Example Front desk unique serial number:

1) ‘FO-KEY-02’ ( Front office keyboard)

2) ‘FO-CPU-03’ 

3) ‘FO-PRN-02’ ( Front office Printer) 

4) ‘FO-DES-10’ ( Front office Desk )

5) ‘FO-OMP-11’ ( Optical mouse pad) etc.

While defining the unique serial number for tracking the inventory one should also follow a standard. The first two digits are always department code ‘FO’, the next three are for item ‘DES’ ( Desk), last digits stand for the number. Anyone looking at the Inventory control register should be able to identify what item it is by reading the unique code. 

The markings should be maintained in a register within the accounting office for inventory purposes and for identification when stolen items are recovered.

Nowadays there is an increasing number of incidents where guests take away hotel items as collectibles! Hotels can reduce these issues by avoiding placing logos or other identification which might be attractive to these so-called “collectors”.

There are also some disadvantages to doing this when the items are recovered it becomes difficult to positively identify whether these items belong to the property or not.

Some properties have solved this problem by sewing a colored thread into the corner of a hem or other appropriate place on linens, blankets, and towels. So these tags will help them to identify and recover stolen goods.

Ultimately, effective inventory control is about finding the right balance between having enough inventory to meet guest needs while also avoiding waste and excess. By following these tips and developing a solid inventory control strategy, hotels and resorts can ensure that they are providing the best possible experience for their guests.
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