Room Status Codes For Housekeeping Department

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List of Standard Room Status Codes Used by The Housekeeping 

OCC – Occupied

VC – Vacant & Clean

VD – Vacant & Dirty

OR – Occupied & Ready

OC – Occupied & Clean

OD – Occupied & Dirty

CO – Check Out

OOO Out of Order

DND Do Not Disturb

V/O or O/V – Status Unclear

LO – Lock Out Room

DO – Due out Room

DNCO Did not Check Out

VCI – Vacant, Cleaned & Inspected

HL – Heavy Luggage

LL – Light Luggage

NL – No Luggage

DL – Double Lock

CL – Chain Lock

HU – House use

NCI – Newly checked In

NS – No Show

SO – Slept out

BLO – Blocked

V – Vacant Room

MUR – Make-Up Room

VR – Vacant & Ready

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