Hotel Guest Personal Identifiable Information (PII) Details/List – GDPR

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Details/List of Guest’s Personal Identifiable Information (PII) collected by the hotel – GDPR

As a hotel guest, you may be wondering what happens to your personal identifiable information (PII) details when you provide them to the hotel during your stay. With the implementation of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), hotels are now required to be transparent about the collection and processing of guest PII.

Some examples of guest PII that hotels may collect include your name, address, email, phone number, passport number, and payment information. This information is essential for the hotel to provide you with services such as check-in, room service, and billing.

Under GDPR, hotels are required to obtain explicit consent from guests before collecting their PII. Additionally, hotels must have appropriate measures in place to protect guest PII from unauthorized access, disclosure, or loss.

Guests also have the right to access their PII and request that it be corrected or deleted. Hotels must respond to these requests in a timely manner and ensure that any necessary changes are made.

Overall, GDPR has strengthened the protection of guest PII in the hospitality industry and has encouraged hotels to be more transparent and accountable for their data practices.

Personal Identifiable Information (PII) of the guests are those details which are collected by hotels during the guest stay or service. Such details are also collected for non-staying guests for example guests visiting the restaurant, recreation centre, spa, etc.

Generally, PII includes all kinds of sensitive information that is associated with the hotel guest (both staying and not staying) and can be used to uniquely identify, contact, or locate a person.

The below list shows a few details or examples of the guest’s Personal Identifiable Information (PII) which is normally collected by the hotels:

List Of Personal Identifiable Information (PII) which is normally collected by the hotels:

  1. Guest name (First Name, Last Name, Middle Name, Family, etc.)
  2.  Sharer or companion Details.
  3.  Guests Gender.
  4.  Educational Qualifications.
  5.  Company name.
  6.  Mobile Number
  7.  Fax Number
  8.  Telephone or Land Line Number
  9.  Email Address.
  10.  Facebook id.
  11.  Skype id.
  12.  Twitter id.
  13.  Instagram id.
  14.  Other Social Media Account details.
  15.  Hotel Loyalty or Membership numbers.
  16.  Hotel Loyalty or Membership points.
  17.  Hotel Loyalty or Membership Tier details.
  18.  Other Loyalty program details and numbers.
  19.  Home Address.
  20.  Office Address.
  21.  Date of Birth.
  22.  Date of Anniversary.
  23.  Place of Birth.
  24.  Passport Number.
  25.  Passport Place of the issue.
  26.  Passport Date of Issue.
  27.  Passport Date of Expiry.
  28.  Passport Other details.
  29.  Nationality Details.
  30.  Citizenship Details.
  31.  Marital status.
  32.  Visa details (Number, Place of the issue, expiry, etc.)
  33.  Any Electronically stored guest handwriting.
  34.  Any Electronically stored guest signature.
  35.  Work permit details.
  36.  Any Nationality ID.
  37.  Residential ID.
  38.  Driving License.
  39.  Car Registration number.
  40.  Debit Card Details.
  41.  Bank Account Details.
  42.  Credit Card Details.
  43.  Ethnicity.
  44.  Guests Gender.
  45.  Preferences.
  46.  Likes and dislikes.
  47.  Any Allergic details.
  48.  Any Health-related issues.
  49.  Any Disability details.
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