SOP – Sales and Marketing – Hotel Advertising and Promotion

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Standard Procedure for Hotel Advertising and Promotion

The SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) for Sales and Marketing at Booker Entertaining & Show Arounds outlines the step-by-step process for effectively promoting and selling the company’s entertainment services and providing show arounds for interested clients.

The first step involves identifying potential clients through various marketing channels such as social media, email campaigns, and targeted advertising. Once a client shows interest, the sales team follows up with them to gather more information about their needs and preferences.

After that, the team arranges a show around, which is an opportunity for the client to see the company’s facilities and services in action. During the show around, the sales team showcases the company’s unique selling points and addresses any concerns or questions the client may have.

Once the client is satisfied with the presentation, the sales team moves on to the negotiation phase, where they work out the terms of the contract and finalize the deal. Throughout the entire process, the sales team ensures that the client’s needs and preferences are prioritized, and that they receive excellent customer service.

Overall, the SOP for Sales and Marketing at Booker Entertaining & Show Arounds is designed to provide a streamlined and efficient process for selling the company’s services and creating long-term relationships with satisfied clients.

Hotel Advertising and Promotion Standard procedure:

  • To ensure a targeted and cohesive marketing plan within the existing budget parameters.
  •  Advertising and Promotion for hotels or resorts is defined as all print and electronic media, property brochure production, signage, email newsletters, internal marketing, and advertising.
  •  Advertising by the marketing team is an important supplement to the direct selling efforts of the sales team.
  •  The advertising style for the rooms should be tactical and image-based.

Advertisement and marketing activities are done by hotels to:

  1. Create brand awareness.
  2.  Build or maintain a brand’s image.
  3.  Announce hotel opening.
  4.  Announce special events.
  5.  Announce special offers and deals.
  6.  Find target customers.
  7.  Find potential business leads.
  • Advertising reaches a vast audience and has the potential to reach a large number of prospects or leads.
  •  It is ideal to higher a local advertising agency on a contractual basis or per project basis to create, coordinate, produce, and place visual media and materials.
  •  According to the required advertising plan, the marketing department must provide the correct briefing to all concerned.

When using the services of an advertising agency it is required to provide the following details:

  1. Project’s objectives.
  2.  Target audience.
  3.  Special offer.
  4.  Benefits.
  5.  Validity.
  6.  Type of advertising etc.
  • It is important to give a correct and written brief, there should not be any room for misunderstanding.
  •  Input for the advertising campaign must involve all parties concerned.
  •  The production quotation and media plan are to be sent to the General Manager and Director of Sales and Marketing for approval.
  •  Evaluate the creative made based on distinctive, presentation, and most importantly does it has a selling point.
  •  The Sales & Marketing should be consulted before commencement of the work.

Training Summary questions:

Q1. Why advertising is an important part of hotel’s success?

Q2. What all are included in advertising and promotions?

Q3. Who is responsible for reviewing and approving marketing plans?

Q4. On what basis is the creative media to be evaluated?
SOP Number: Sales and Marketing SOP – 11
Department: Sales and Marketing – Marketing
Date Issued: 02-Jul-2017
Time to Train: 30 Minutes
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