Guest Feedback Format Sample for Hotels and Restaurants
Despite the hotel’s staff efficiency and attentiveness, guests will occasionally be disappointed or find fault with something at the hotel. Staff should anticipate guest complaints and devise strategies that help staff effectively resolve the situation.
HotelA Hotel or Inn may be defined as an establishment whose primary business is providing lodging facili... staff should be attentive to guests with complaints and seek a timely and satisfactory resolution to the problem. Nothing upsets guests more than having their complaints ignored or not listened to.
When guests find it easy to express their opinions, both the hotel and the guests benefit from it. The hotel learns of potential or actual problems and has the opportunity to resolve them. On the other hand, you also will have a happy and satisfied customer.
One of the best ways to identify guest complaints is by giving feedback forms to guests at the time of departure or by placing them in the guest room.
Feedback and suggestions from the guest about the hotel services, room, restaurants, staff, etc. can be collected on these forms, And the hotel can identify do necessary service recovery steps if required. Below you can find a sample format of feedback form or guest perception detail used in hotels.
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