SOP – Concierge / Bell Desk – Outgoing Item To Be Held

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Standard Procedure For Handling Guest Outgoing Items to Be Held

Purpose of this SOP: Upon receiving any items from the guest the concierge team should obtain the guest’s name, room number and the collector’s name, address and most importantly contact number. The Concierge staff and Bell Desk team are often the first point of contact and should be familiar with the process of handling a request for Outgoing Items from the guest.

Guest Outgoing Item Standard Procedure:

1. Upon receiving items from a guest:

Always provide a sense of security towards guest items.

Upon receiving the items, obtain the guest name, room number, collector name, address and most importantly contact number.

Write down all the above information on the “outgoing item to be held record”. Attach the notice on the item.

2. Brief guest on the duration of storage.

By information, the duration will provide a sense of respect.

Explain to guests items are only kept for 1 month and perishable items are kept 1 day – 1 week only, depending on the condition of the items.

3. All items must be recorded.

To provide safe and efficient service and also for security purposes.

To avoid missing items or items wrongly given.

Record all particulars given in the outgoing item to be held in the record.

Fill in all details regarding the item on the Long Term Luggage or Storage Form.

Place items under lock and keep them in the storeroom.

4. Upon releasing of items.

In order to furnish guests with sufficient details of the proof.

For further reference upon checking.

All items released must be checked to see that the correct person gets the items. Check the collector’s name, company name, and the guest name that had left the parcel before releasing.

The collector with name, I/D number, date collected and signature in the presence of the Concierge must sign all items notice.

File the two copies of the notice.

The concierge must also acknowledge the release of the items and the time-release of outgoing items to be held on the record.

Concierge staff should sign on the record upon release of the items.

5. For valuable items.

All valuable items must be kept with the duty manager in the Safety Deposit Box.

All items except valuable items are kept in the storeroom with a lock.

Training Summary Questions:

  1. What is the purpose of the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for handling guest outgoing items to be held?
  2. What information must the concierge team obtain upon receiving items from a guest?
  3. What is the duration for which items are typically stored, and how does it vary for perishable items?
  4. Why is it important to record all items received and released?
  5. What steps should be taken upon releasing items to ensure they are given to the correct person?
  6. How are valuable items handled differently from other items?
  7. What is the SOP number for this procedure, and which departments does it involve?
  8. When was this SOP issued, and how long does it take to train staff on it?
  9. What are the responsibilities of the concierge staff and bell desk team in relation to this SOP?
  10. What is the significance of obtaining the collector’s name, company name, and guest name before releasing items?

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SOP Number: Front Office SOP – 65
Department: Concierge - Bell Desk
Date Issued: 15-Aug-2019
Time to Train: 30 Minutes
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