Different types of Kitchen Hand Tools & Small Equipment
All kitchen staff should be familiar with the different types of hand tools and small equipment used in their respective work area. They should also be able to be properly handled while cooking, should be of good quality, stand long enough, be safe to use, know how to use, and most importantly know the purpose of each such tool and equipment.
There are many types of hand tools and small utensils used in the hotel kitchen. This equipment helps the kitchen staff or chefs in different day-to-day activities like measuring, preparing, cooking, and serving food. It is very important to know what they are called, where they are stored or kept in the kitchen, and how to properly use and clean them.
The chef or sous chef should choose this equipment carefully and inspect it to ensure the proper usage, cleaning, storage, and maintenance are done regularly.
1. Ball cutter / Melon Ball Scoop / Parisienne knife:

A sharp-edged scoop or cup-shaped, half-sphere implement is used for cutting fruits and vegetables into small balls. Normally used by the Garde Manger Chef.
2. Cooks Fork / Meat Turner:

Cook equipment used for lifting and turning meat and other items must be strong enough to hold heavy loads.
3. Straight spatula or palette spatula knife:

A 2 to 3 cm. wide, flexible handled blade with a rounded, unsharpened end used for manipulating foods such as spreading and for smoothing icings on cakes and for mixing and scraping bowls.
4. Offset spatula:

Used for turning and lifting eggs, pancakes, and meat on the griddle, grills, sheet pans, and so on. It can also be used as a scraper to clean a bench or griddle.
5. Sandwich scrapper:

With a blade length of 3 1/2″ and a handle Length of 4″ which is used for spreading filling and spread on the sandwich.
6. Rubber Spatula:

A broad, flexible plastic or rubber scraper, that is rectangular with a curve on one side, used for scrapping bowls and pans—also used for folding in egg foam or whipping cream
7.Pie server:

Pie Server a wedge-shaped offset spatula. Boasting a solid blade and classic triangular shape, the pie server makes it easy to pick up a slice and move it onto a plate. PlusWhen rooms available exceed guest arrivals., its edge can be used to cut through crusts and create even slices into the pie.
8. Bench scraper:

A broad, rectangular stiff piece of metal with a wooden handle on one edge is used to cut pieces of dough and to scrape workbenches.
9. Pastry wheel or wheel knife:

A round, rotating blade plain or plated with a handle used to cut rolled-out dough pastries, baked pizzas, etc.
10. Spoon, solid, slotted:

Used for stirring, mixing, and serving. A slated and perforated spoon is used when liquid must be arranged from solid materials.
11. Skimmer:

Used for sliming froth from liquid and for removing solid pieces from soup, stock, and other liquids.
12. Tongs:

Used to pick up and handle food in the kitchen.
13. Wire whip:

The heavy whip is straight, stiff and has relatively few wires, and is used for general mixing, stirring, and beating—especially heavy liquid. Balloon whip or piano wire wipes have many flexible wires and are used for whipping egg, cream, hollandaise, and for mixing thinner liquids.
14. China cup:

Is used for straining stocks, soup, sauces, and other liquids. Pointed shapes allow cooks to drain the liquid through a relatively small opening.
15. Fine chine cup or chinois:

Is normally used when great clarity or smoothness is required in a liquid.
16. Round bottom cup shape strainer:

Used for straining pasta, vegetables, etc.
17. Sieve:

A screen-type mesh supported by a round metal frame is used for sifting dry ingredients like starch and flour.
18. Colander:

A perforated bowl of varying sizes made of stainless steel, aluminum, or plastic used to drain washed or cooked vegetables, green salad, pasta, and other foods
19. Food mill:

A device with a hand-turned blade that forces food through a perforated disk that is interchangeable with different coarseness or fineness reduces a solid to small, fine pieces or powdery particles like vegetables, coffee, pepper, spices, etc.
20. Grater:

A four-sided metal box with grids of varying sizes. Used for shredding and grating vegetables, cheese, citrus rinds, and other foods.
21. Zester:

A small fine-toothed metal grater is often mounted on a wooden or plastic handle to remove the zest or colored portions of citrus peels in thin strips.
22. Pastry bag and tubes: