Front Desk – Guest Registration Card Sample

Guest Registration Card sample format and check-in procedures After the guest arrives at the hotel, the front desk agent creates ...
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Front Desk – Currency Exchange Receipt / Forex Receipt

Currency Exchange receipt format and procedure in hotels Foreign currency exchange and traveler’s cheque exchange is a facility offered to ...
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Nationality Codes Sample – ISO – Hotels | Resorts

Nationality Codes and ISO codes used in hotels Nationality codes are attached to the guest reservation or profile while making ...
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Guests Profession Codes or Titles – Hotels

Profession Codes used in hotels Profession codes are used to tag the profession of the hotel guest. Sample Guest Profession ...
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Reservation Status Sample – For Hotels and Resorts

Reservation Status Codes used in hotel bookings Reservation status codes are attached to the guest’s reservation to indicate the status ...
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Salutation Codes For Guest Profile

Salutation Code used in hotels Sample salutation codes used in hotels. According to the Salutation, codes selected they are replaced on all ...
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Source Codes Sample for Reservation – Hotels

Source Codes used in hotel operations Source codes are tagged to a reservation to find out the source from which ...
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Market Segment Codes Sample for Reservations

Market Segment Codes used in hotel bookings Market codes are tagged to a reservation to obtain statistical information on booking ...
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Hotel Organization Chart Sample

Hotel Organisation Chart for Large Hotel  An organization requires a formal structure to carry out its mission and goals. The ...
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Housekeeping New Staff Welcome Letter / Onboarding Letter

Housekeeping Staff Onboarding Letter Sample Welcome Dear [Housekeeping Staff Name], You have been selected to work for [Housekeeping Section] in ...
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