SOP – BAR / Lounge – Suggestive Selling And Upselling

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Suggestive selling and upselling in BAR

It’s a fact that People go to bars and lounges to get away from their routines, and most guests don’t know what they want to order when they arrive.

Know your product:

  • Be enthusiastic- It’s easier to sell something that you are excited about.
  • Make beverage sound appealing – e.g.: user words like “fruity”, “Icy” thirst quenching” etc.
  •  Find out if guests are in a hurry or only have time for a quick drink; whether they like sweet or tart beverages etc.
  •  Offer a choice: “ Would you like Smirnoff’s or Absolute in your vodka and tonic?
  •  Check with the Outlet Chef for any daily specials and their specific ingredients.

Specific suggestions:

Recommend to the guest(s) any special dishes that were defined during the preceding briefing, and describe the ingredients used :

“May I suggest (exact name of the dish as described/displayed by the Outlet Chef) for your lunch/dinner?”.

Suggest the unusual:

  • Suggest beverages and foods that naturally go together. E.g.: Beer and Pizza, wine and cheese, margaritas and nachos.
  •  If the guest is not convinced, make another suggestion (one item only).
  •  Always ask for the sale. After you suggest and describe a beverage, ask if the guest would like to try it.
  •  If the guest still does not respond, tell her/him: “I will be back shortly.

Training Summary questions:

Q1. Why it is required to be enthusiastic when upselling? 

Q2. How do a specific suggestion?       

Q3. Examples of foods and beverages that naturally go together?

Q4. What is the next step when the guest is not satisfied?

Q5. Give a few examples of beverages that you like to recommend to the guest.
SOP Number: Food and Beverage Service SOP - 11
Department: Food and Beverage Service – BAR / Lounge
Time to Train: 90 Min
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