DBR / DRR – Hotel Daily Business Report / Manager Report

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Hotel Daily Business Report sample / DBR / Manager Report sample

Every hotel produces a ‘daily business report’ AKA ‘Manager flash’ that recaps all the activity within the last 24 hours. This daily report includes hotel statistics, like the total earnings from hotel revenue centers (eg:- Rooms, Food and Beverage outlets, Laundry, SPA, Shop rentals, etc.)

Figures from each revenue center are represented in FTD ( Figures today). MTD ( Month to date) and YTD ( Year to date), These figures are also compared with Last year’s FTD, MTD, and YTD figures. In most of the cases actuate generated revenue of each revenue centre is often compared with the budgeted figures to calculate the variance ( + / – ). This will also help the management to track if these revenue centers are doing well or not and also on par with their forecasted budgets.

The hotel General manager reviews this daily business report in the morning meeting which is attended by all revenue center managers/heads. They then discuss the performance of each revenue center after reviewing the revenue generated by them. Strategical decisions are then taken by the General Manager if certain revenue centers are not achieving their targeted budgets. DBR may also include customer requests, complaints, and major maintenance issues that have occurred during the day.

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