Guaranteed Reservations

A reservation that is guaranteed by the guest to be paid even if the guest fails to arrive. Often this ...
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Gueridon trolly

Gueridon trolly/cart – A Cart or troll with rectangular table mounted on wheels with work spaces; shelves and a heating ...
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Definition of Guest in Hospitality Industry: A guest is the most important person in any business. A guest is not ...
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Guest and City Ledgers

Guest and City Ledgers .A hotel keeps two ledgers: the guest ledger is associated with the guests staying at the ...
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Guest Comment Card

Short questionnaires that lodging properties and food service establishments ask their guests to fill out. Guest comments are used by ...
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Guest Cycle

A division of the flow of business through a hotel that identifies the physical contacts and financial exchanges between the ...
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Guest essentials

Guest essentials are the guest supplies that are essential in guestrooms but that the guest would not normally be expected ...
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Guest expendables

Guest expendables are the guest supplies that guests would normally be expected to use up or take away upon departure. ...
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Guest folio

Guest folio is a form imprinted with the hotels logo and a control number and allowing space for room number; ...
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Guest histories

Guest histories are the details concerning the guests visits; such as zip code; frequency of visits; corporate af?liation; or special ...
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