Kitchen SOP for Handling Rolling Stock / Trolley
One of the most important standard operating procedures (SOP) in any kitchen or food and beverage (F&B) production facility is the proper handling of rolling stock or trolleys. These rolling carts are essential for transporting food, equipment, and supplies throughout the kitchen, but they can also pose safety risks if not handled correctly.
To begin with, it is important to inspect the rolling stock before use to ensure that it is in good condition and free from any defects or damage. Any carts that are not in good condition should be taken out of service until they can be repaired or replaced.
When using rolling stock, it is important to load it properly to prevent items from falling off or shifting during transport. Heavier items should be placed on the bottom of the cart, with lighter items on top. It is also important to secure items with straps or bungee cords to prevent them from moving.
When pushing or pulling rolling stock, it is important to maintain good posture and use proper lifting techniques to prevent injury. Never overload a cart or try to move it over uneven surfaces or obstacles.
Finally, when finished with a cart, it should be cleaned and sanitized before being returned to storage. This helps prevent the spread of bacteria and other contaminants that can cause foodborne illness.
The Executive Chef and the Sous Chef should be responsible for ensuring that rolling stocks are handled properly by the kitchen staff. The hotel training and HRD department should develop and implement proper written Kitchen SOP’s to ensure the same is implemented correctly throughout all the food preparation outlets.
By following these SOPs for handling rolling stock or trolleys, kitchen and F&B production staff can maintain a safe and efficient workplace while ensuring the quality and safety of the food they produce.

Handling Rolling Stock Standard Procedures:
- Never push rolling stock.
- Never rush or run with the rolling stock.
- Identify which end is the steering end by looking at which wheels are not fixed this is the end to pull at.
- Ascertain that the trolley is stacked correctly by checking that plates are not stacked higher than 15 each and that cups & glasses are stacked properly in the racks.
- Ensure everything is not overly heavy to pull.
- Pull the trolley in the desired direction at a walking pace.
- Check the load every three-meter intervals to ensure that everything is secure.
- While in motion, constantly check the clearance on both sides of the trolley.
- Always make sure you have a clear line of sight, especially when going around corners.
- Use two people if the terrain is rough, or when you are going in and out of elevators.
- Depending on the doorway height stack goods on the top of the trolley.
- Never stack goods higher than the doorways as they won’t pass through the doorways.
- If you are unsure of how to use rolling stock or stack equipment, ask your immediate supervisor or manager.
Training Summary questions:
Q1. What is the purpose of this SOP?
Q2. Why the staff should be very careful while handling rolling stock?
Q3. How many plates can be stacked safely?
Q4. Why it is important to check the clearance while in motion?
Q5. What needs to be done if the terrain is rough?
Patreon Only SOP Download
SOP Number: Kitchen / F&B Production SOP – 20 Department: Kitchen / Food Production - Handling Rolling Stock / Trolley Date Issued: 4-Dec-2018 Time to Train: 20 Minutes