Face weight

Face weight are the measure of a carpet’s pile. Equal to the weight of the face fiber in one square ...
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Fair Share

The number of room nights a property would sell if demand were distributed based on the number of rooms in ...
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Familiarisation Tour

A reduced-rate; often complementary; trip or tour offered to travel agents; wholesalers; incentive travel planners; travel writers; broadcasters; or photographers ...
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Family Life Cycle

A series of stages used to distinguish between types of travellers. variables used to determine family life cycle stages are ...
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Family Rate

A special room rate for parents and children occupying one guest room.
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Family rates

Family rates are the room rates offered to encourage visits by families with children.
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Fax machine

Fax machine�is an�equipment for facsimile reproduction via telephone lines are safety display terminal: a device that ensures a constant surveillance ...
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Food and Drug Administration (FDA) The U.S. government agency responsible for the enforcement of the Federal Food; Drug and Cosmetic ...
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Feasibility study

Feasibility study is a study prepared prior to starting a new business or expanding an existing one; to indicate whether ...
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Feeder City

A city other than the hotel’s city from which guests arrive.
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