Domestic Tourist

Guests�from the same country where the�Hotel is situated.
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Door Knob Menu

A type of room service menu that a housekeeper can leave in the guest room. A doorknob menu lists a ...
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The doorman is responsible in servicing guests by closing and opening the door; and to greet guests when they light ...
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Dot: Placing small pieces of butter; fat; cheese etc on top of dough or food.
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Dot-matrix is a printer that produces small dots printed with an inked ribbon on paper.
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A guest room assigned to two people. In beverage operations; a drink prepared with twice the standard measure of alcohol ...
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Double double

Double double (DD) guestroom having two double beds.
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Double Loaded Slab

A guest room floor configuration in which rooms are laid out on both sides of a central corridor.
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Double Locked

Double Locked (DL): An occupied room in which the deadbolt has been turned to prohibit entry from the corridor. Only ...
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Double occupancy

Double occupancy means guestroom occupied by two guests.
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