
Before there was the word hotel there was the word accommodation or places for travellers; which has a more extensive ...
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Account is a record in which the current status (or balance) of each type of asset; liability; owners equity;sales revenue; ...
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Accountability is a�workers obligation to a supervisor to carry out the responsibilities delegated and to produce the results expected.
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Accounting cycle

Accounting cycle is a recurring series of steps that occurs during each accounting period.
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Accounting equation

Accounting equation is assets = liabilities + owners equity. Sometimes referred to as the balance sheet equation.
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Accounting equation Assets

Accounting equation ” Assets    is   Liabilities + Owner s Equity.
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Accounting period

Accounting period� is the time period covered by the financial statements.
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Accounting transfer

Accounting transfer is used when a charge or credit needs to be �sent� elsewhere within the guest ledger.
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Accounts Payable

Accounts Payable is a key area in accounting; accounts payable ensures that all bills are paid on time and all ...
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Accounts receivable

Accounts receivable is the amounts of money owed to the hotel by guests.
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