Accounts receivable aging

Accounts receivable aging means preparing a schedule classifying receivables in terms of time left unpaid.
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Accounts receivable average collection period

Accounts receivable average collection period is the number of days the average receivable remains unpaid.
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Accounts receivable turnover

Accounts receivable turnover annual sales revenue divided by average accounts receivable.
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Accrual basis

Accrual basis is as opposed to cash accounting; a method of accounting whereby transactions are recorded as they occur and ...
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Accrued expenses

Accrued expenses is the expenses that have been incurred but not paid at balance sheet date. a liability.
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Accumulated depreciation

Accumulated depreciation is the total depreciation that has been shown as an expense on the income statements since the related ...
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Acetate is a low-cost silky fiber. It is colorfast and resistant to mildew; but it is relatively easy to soil ...
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Acid Foods

Acid Foods are Any food with enough acid to result in a Ph of 4.6 or lower; including most tomatoes; ...
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Acidic / Acid – foods such as citrus juice; vinegar and wine that have a sour or sharp flavour (most ...
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Acrylic are the synthetic material used in making fabric or molded transparent fixtures or surfaces.
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