Variance analysis

Variance analysis is a method of comparing budgeted figures with actual results; breaking differences down into quantity variance and price ...
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Variety Meat

Variety Meat – The non-skeletal meats of the dressed carcass. These include liver; tongue; kidneys; heart etc.
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Value Added Tax (VAT) is A tax that imposes a levy on businesses at every stage of manufacturing based on ...
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Vegan – A strict vegetarian who eats no animal products.
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Vegetarian is a�person whose diet includes only plant products and animal byproducts; such as eggs and dairy; but excludes meat.
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Thin white sauce or soup made with veal or chicken stock.
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Vendor is any firm; such as a manufacturer or distributor; from which a retailer obtains merchandise.
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Flesh of a deer; served as a grilled steak or roasted joint.
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Juice pressed from sour unripe grapes or crab apples; used instead of vinegar in salad dressings.
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Village Stay

An alternative form of tourism in which the tourist can experience life in a rural place; fishing village; farm; historic ...
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