Multiple Occupancy Percentage

Multiple Occupancy Percentage is used to determining the double occupancy ratio of the hotel and to forecast food and beverage ...
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Murphy bed

Murphy bed is a bed that is hinged at the base of the headboard and swings up into the wall ...
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The three main kinds are English – strong; French -milder; and German – spiced with herbs. also coarse or fine; ...
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Mustard and cress

Very delicate salad vegetable used mainly as a garnish with cold food.
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Mutual exclusivity

Mutual exclusivity .�mutually exclusive alternative requires that if only one of a number of proposals (such as a long-term investment) ...
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E.g. homard a la nage; or lobster boiled and served �swimming in some of its cooking liquid.
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Name Tag

A tag or badge bearing the name of the wearer or attached to an object and bearing the name of ...
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Napery� are the table linens.
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Name given to oysters reared in beds such as at Colchester.
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Natural disaster

Natural disaster is the event capable of causing loss of life; great material damage; destruction; and distress. May be caused ...
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