
Miscellaneous Items; Charges; Like Paid out; Postage; Photo Copy; Medicine; Courier etc. come under Miscellaneous charges.
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Miscellaneous charge

Miscellaneous charge are the nonstandard charge (as opposed to a charge for room rent; food; or beverage) of a hotel ...
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Mise en Place

Mise en Place – A French meaning everything in place. The key to efficient kitchen preparation.
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Mise-en-scene – It means prepare the F&amp.B dining environment before the service.�
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Mission statement

Mission statement is a statement detailing the purpose of a business.
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Mitering: A method for contouring a sheet or blanket to fit the corner of a mattress in a smooth and ...
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Mix – Method of combining ingredients in such a way that the parts of each ingredient are evenly dispersed in ...
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Modacrylic are the acrylic fiber that is less resistant to stains and abrasions.
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Modified Accelerated Cost Recovery System (MACRS)

Modified Accelerated Cost Recovery System (MACRS) is the depreciation method where assets are classified into recovery�classes and are depreciated at ...
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Modified American Plan

A billing arrangement under which the daily rate is including room and two meals; generally Breakfast and dinner.
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