Gross Piece

Gross Piece – The centrepiece of a buffet platter.
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Gross return on assets

Gross return on assets is an income before interest and income tax divided by total average assets for the period.
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Ground warp

Ground warp are the yarn threads that run lengthwise in a towel. They are used as the backing for the ...
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Group market

Group market are the market segment of hotel business; usually defined by the sale of 10 or more room nights ...
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Group Pick-up

The guest rooms that are actually rented by a group that helps in a Group Reservation.
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Group planner

Group planner is the person responsible for securing guest room accommodations; food and beverage programs; transportation reservations; meeting facilities; registration ...
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Group rates

Group rates are the room rates offered to large groups of people visiting the hotel for a common reason.
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Group Reservations

A block of multiple guest rooms that are being held under an individual or business’ name at a particular hotel ...
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Group travelers

Group travelers are the persons who are traveling on business or for pleasure in an organized fashion.
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Guest Satisfaction Survey
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