Global Distribution System

A distribution channel for reservations that provides worldwide distribution of hotel reservation information and allows selling of hotel reservations around ...
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Globalization is the increased mobility of goods; services; labor; technology and capital throughout the world. Although globalization is not a ...
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Gluten – The protein-based substance in wheat flour which builds the structure in baked items or goods.
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Glycerin is a�syrupy type of alcohol derived from sugar; which is used in food flavorings to maintain desired food consistency.
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Glycerol is a�colorless; odorless; syrupy liquid (chemically; an alcohol) that is obtained from fats and oils and used to retain ...
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Genetically Modified Foods (GMF) Food crops that are bioengineered to resist herbicides; diseases or insects. have higher nutritional value than ...
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Small dumplings made of chou pastry; potato or semolina; etc.; served in a sauce as a farinaceous course.
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Goal congruence

Goal congruence is the alignment of organizational goals with the personal and group goals of subordinates and superiors.
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Going concern principle

Going concern principle is an accounting assumption that a business entity is to remain in business indefinitely.
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Goodwill is� the value of an established business; based on its name or reputation; above the value of its tangible ...
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