
Garnish – The artistic complementing of a food item with other food or edible item.
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Elaborately decorated sponge cake for cutting into wedge-shaped portions. often served as a sweet in this country.
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Gelatinization – The process of converting into a jelly.
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General Cashier

Pause for a minute and think how many cash banks there are in a large hotel: a few at the ...
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General ledger

General ledger is a collection of accounts that the controller uses to organize the financial activities of the hotel.
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General manager

General manager is the person in charge of directing and leading the hotel staff in meeting its financial; environmental; and ...
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General partner

General partner.This partners liability is not limited to his or her capital equity in the business. There must always be ...
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Generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP)

Generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) is the Accounting principles developed over time and accepted as accounting rules; methods; and procedures ...
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Collective term for game. gibier a plumes means game birds and gibier it poil means hares; deer; wild boar; etc.
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Glaze: Applying a thick liquid over the surface of an item to give a final glossy look.
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