Function book

The master control of all banquet space; broken down on each page according to the banquet room or restaurant; with ...
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Function room sheet

Function room sheet is a form on which special instructions are given for setting up; arranging; or rearranging a guestroom ...
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Functional Foods

Functional Foods is the Food products that contain nutrients; such as vitamins; associated with certain health benefits. The nutrients may ...
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Functions are the�management duties and activities. Can be divided into sequential and continuous functions.
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Fungicide is a�type of pesticide used to control or destroy fungi on food or grain crops.
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Fungus is a simple plant lacking chlorophyll. Bread mold is An example.
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Sausage-shaped chicken or veal forcemeat; decorated and glazed as a cold buffet dish.
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Large prawn; also called crevette rose.
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General French term for a waiter especially in a cafe where all are of the same rank.
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Garni – To add a garnish or decoration to a finished food.
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