Frontline employees

Frontline employees are the employees who deliver service to guests as front desk clerks; cashiers; switchboard operators; bellhops; concierge; and ...
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Fructose is a�monosaccharide found naturally in fruits; as an added sugar in crystalline form and as a component of high-fructose ...
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Fruits de mer

Term to cover a mixture of shellfish including crab;lobster; mussels; prawns; shrimps; etc.
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Fry / Frying – To cook in hot oil or fat.
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Food Standards Agency (FSA) – The U.K.-based agency equivalent to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
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Full disclosure principle

Full disclosure principle is a principle of accounting whereby financial statements provide all the relevant information that a reader of ...
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Full house

Full house means 100 percent hotel occupancy. a hotel that has all its guest rooms occupied.
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Full Service Hotel

A hotel with a full range of services and amenities which may include some or all. on-site restaurant and lounge; ...
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Full-cost accounting

Full-cost accounting is the manager of a sales revenue operation knows the minimum sales revenue to be generated to cover ...
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Full-Service is a�restaurant that provides waiter or waitress table service. customers generally pay after the meal.
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