
Epoxy is a synthetic; seamless flooring material. Very long lasting and extremely durable.
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Ergonomics�is�the study of how people relate psychologically and physiologically to machines.
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Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)is an integrated information system that helps manage all aspects of a business; including accounting; ordering and ...
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Edible snails. usually served hot in the shells as a first course.
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A person; usually employed by a tour operator; who accompanies atour from departure to return and serves as guide; trouble-shooter; ...
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Strong black coffee made under steam pressure and served in a small cup.
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Establishing procedures

Establishing procedures are the deciding and specifying how a task is to be done. An activity of planning.
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European Union (EU) A consolidation of European countries (member states) functioning as one body to facilitate trade. Previously known as ...
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Euro is the accepted currency for some European states: Belgium; Germany; Spain; France;Ireland; Italy; Luxembourg; the Netherlands; Austria; Portugal; Finland; ...
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European Plan

A room billing arrangement under which all meals are priced separately or room only plan.
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