
Dry-aged is a�process in which beef is allowed to sit; or often hang; in a climate controlled room for typically ...
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Drying capacity

Drying capacity are the optimum weight of linen that should be placed in an automatic commercial dryer. for example; 50-pound; ...
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Due inDue in

Due in� is the numbers of expected� guests/rooms for the day.
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Due Out

Due out: A room which the guest is due to checkout that day.
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Due outs

Guests expected to check out on a given day who have not yet done so the room is expected to ...
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Dumb waiter

Food-lift between the kitchen and dining-room. also used to denote the waiters sideboard.
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Duplicate Folio

Duplicate Folio are the Folio that has several copies duplicated for control purpose i.e. guest folio; deposit receipt; room bills ...
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Dust: To sprinkle lightly with flour; sugar or other substance.
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Duvet�also known as coverlet – Duvet which is also known as coverlet are covers the bed down to the dust ...
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Stuffing made of finely chopped mushrooms; breadcrumbs;etc.
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