Diplococcus pneumonia

Diplococcus pneumonia�(dip-lo-cock-us new-moaneea). gram positive. Lobar (lung) pneumonia. Also walking pneumonia. Treatable with antibiotics.
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Cold sauces of various flavours usually based on mayonnaise or salad dressing; in which bread;biscuits; pieces of vegetables; etc.; can ...
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Direct cost or expense

Direct cost or expense an expense that can be distributed directly to an operating department and generally controllable by that ...
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Direct Marketing

Direct Marketing is a�form of non-store retailing in which customers are exposed to merchandise through catalogs; direct-mail brochures; telemarketing or ...
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Direct-Mail Merchandising

Direct-Mail Merchandising is the process of offering merchandise or services through catalogs or brochures mailed directly to customers.
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Directing means performing certain activities that bring about purposeful action toward desired objective.
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Director of marketing and sales

Director of marketing and sales is the person who analyzes available markets; suggests products and services to meet the needs ...
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Director of security

Director of security is the person who works with department directors to develop procedures that help ensure employee honesty and ...
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Benefit given on price or other services in the hotel. Example 10% Discount on the room; 20% discount on food ...
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Discount grid

Discount grid is a table that shows the additional hotel room occupancy required to compensate when rack rates are discounted ...
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