Department staffing guide

Department staffing guide is a document that specifies positions within the organization and the number of people required to fill ...
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Departmental accounts

Departmental accounts are the income- and expense-generating areas of the hotel; such as restaurants; gift shop; and banquets
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Departmental contributory income

Departmental contributory income is the income of an individual operating department after direct expenses have been deducted from sales revenue. ...
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Departmental meetings

Departmental meetings is a technique of communicating with all members of a department at the same time. Housekeeping departmental meetings ...
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The time when the in-house/resident guest leaves the hotel.
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Dependent variable

Dependent variable is an item that is affected by what happens to another item. For example; labor cost is affected ...
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Depreciable cost

Depreciable cost is the cost of a long-term asset less its salvage value.
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Depreciate means systematically reduce the book value of a fixed asset over its estimated useful life.
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Depreciation a method of allocating the cost of a fixed asset over the anticipated life of the asset; showing a ...
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Derived demand

Derived demand is the business that one department has as a result of business in another departmentfor example;cocktail lounge revenue ...
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