
The Decoration department is responsible for decorating the place on various occasions; on special days; and holidays. including the decoration ...
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Deep clean

Deep clean is periodic act of cleaning a guestroom in depth. Involves moving heavy furniture; high dusting;turning mattresses; vacuuming draperies ...
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Deep cleaning

Deep cleaning: intensive or specialised cleaning undertaken in guest rooms or public areas; often conducted according to a special schedule ...
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Deep Fry

Deep Fry – To cook food by submerging it in hot fat or oil.
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Deferred expense

Deferred expense is an expense that has been incurred that is going to be written off over a period of ...
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Deferring maintenance

Deferring maintenance are the postponing maintenance and custodial activities to create a short-term cost savings. However; the strategy ultimately results ...
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Deficiency of knowledge

Deficiency of knowledge (DK) A reason given for nonperformance of a task. Workers could not perform the task even if ...
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Deficit is a debit balance in retained earnings.
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Deficit. a deficit situation exists when losses accumulated since a business began exceed accumulated net incomes.
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Defoamer�chemical added to a fabric cleaner that reduces the amount of suds produced by the detergent in the cleaner. Defoamers ...
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