
Crescent-shape flaky roll served for breakfast. made of yeast dough rolled out like puff pastry.
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Mixture of finely chopped fish or meat; etc.; bound with sauce; moulded into a sausage shape; breadcrumbed and deep fried.
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Cross-contamination are the spreading germs from one location to another. This can happen when mops or cleaning cloths pick up ...
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Cross-training � Teaching employees to fulfill the requirements of more than one position.
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A casino employee who collects and pays bets and conducts game sat gaming tables. Also called a dealer.
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(a) Small diced fried pieces of bread for a thick soup.(b) Heart-shape slice of bread as a garnish in a ...
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Pieces of crisp raw celery; carrot; green and red pimento; radishes; etc.; served with dips as an appetiser.
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Cruise Ships

Passenger ships designed for vacationers. Today’s cruise ships feature a variety of activities and entertainment and can be thought of ...
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Cumulative dividend

Cumulative dividend is a�feature of preferred stock entitling�the stockholder to receive current and unpaid prior-year dividends�before common stockholders receive any ...
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Cumulative total feature

Cumulative total feature is an electronic feature of a PMS that adds all posted room rate Amounts previously entered into ...
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