
Large flat round soft cheese from France; one of the most popular cheeses.
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Brigade – A system of staffing a kitchen so that each worker is assigned a set of specific tasks; such ...
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Brioche (bree-ohsh) – Is a rich yeast bread containing large amounts of eggs and butter.
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Broil / Broiling – The cooking of a food item with radiant heat.
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Broth -� Is a flavourful liquid obtained from the long simmering of meats and/ or vegetables.
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Brown Stew

Brown Stew – A kind of stew in which the meat is first browned in hot fat.
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Brown stock

Brown stock – Is a richly coloured stock made of chicken; veal; beef or game bones along with vegetables. All ...
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Brownouts is a partial loss of electricity.
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Buddy System

Buddy System is the Training method in which an old hand shows a new worker the ropes. also known as ...
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Budget is an operational plan for the income and expenditure of money for a given period.
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