
The French name for sherry; e.g. sauce au Xeres.
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Yacht Club

A private club located near a large body of water; whose main purpose is to provide facilities such as marinas ...
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Yatri Niwas

A yatri niwas provides low-cost; self-service accommodation to domestic tourist in cities. The emphasis is on modest comfort and affordability.
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Yeast is a�group of microorganisms used in fermenting some foods and leavening bread. Yeast converts sugars in food to carbon ...
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Yield management

Yield management is a method in a hotel of matching customers rooms purchase patterns and their demand�for rooms to derive ...
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Yield statistics

Yield statistics means actual total room revenue for a period of time divided by potential sales revenue for that period ...
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Youth Hostel

The youth; from rural as well as urban areas; travel for various reasons; such as education; adventures; and recreation. Youth ...
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Eggs; sugar and wine whisked until thick; for serving as a sweet dish.
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Appetisers eaten before a meal to stimulate the appetite. they may consist of small items of fish; meat; vegetables and ...
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Zero-base budgeting

Zero-base budgeting is a method of budgeting that starts from a zero base and requires budget managers to�justify each element ...
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