
Sear – To brown the surface of a food item by a short application of high heat. This process is ...
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Seasonal cycle

Seasonal cycle��is sales revenue cycle in which hospitality operations depend on vacationers to provide sales revenue during vacation months.
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Season / Seasoning – 1) To enhance the flavour by the addition of salt or other ingredients. 2) To mature ...
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Seat turnover

Seat turnover is the number of seats available in a food and/or beverage operation divided into the number of seats ...
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Secondary backing

Secondary backing are the�part of a carpet that is laminated to the primary backing to provide additional stability and more ...
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Security is the prevention of theft; fire; and other emergency situations in the workplace.
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Security committee

Security committee is a�committee consisting of key management personnel and selected employees that develops and monitors a property’s security plans ...
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Sell-Through Analysis

Sell-Through Analysis is a�comparison between actual and planned sales to determine whether early markdowns are required or whether more merchandise ...
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Semi-Resident Hotel

These hotels are generally patronised by people who are staying at the location while in transit to another place. The ...
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Semifixed or semivariable cost or expense

Semifixed or semivariable cost or expense� is one that has both fixed and variable elements and is neither entirely fixed ...
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