Productivity standard

Productivity standard is An acceptable amount of work that must be done within a specific time frame according to an ...
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Profit center

Profit center is a department (such as the rooms department) that generates profit or net income while controlling costs.
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Profit maximization

Profit maximization means making the most amount of money in the shortest possible time.
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Profitability is the net income of a company related to the value of its assets; to the owners equity; and ...
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Profitability ratios

Profitability ratios is the ratios that measure profitability such as return on assets; return on investment; and net income to ...
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Proforma income statement

Proforma income statement is a�report that predicts the results of current or future operations; including revenues earned and expenses incurred ...
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Promotions – The ways in which a business tries to persuade people to buy its products and services. Eg: Online ...
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Proof: To test yeast for potency before baking;
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Property Management System

They are computerised systems that facilitate the management of properties; personal property; equipment; including maintenance; legalities and personnel all through ...
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Prorate means�to allocate an amount on a logical basis. for example; to allocate overall company rent expenses to the operating ...
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