Potentialized Food Cost

Potentialized Food Cost. In restaurants; the ideal food cost; which is determined from the menu matrix and is compared to ...
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The French word for an English pudding; such as steak and kidney; steamed sponge pudding; etc.
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A young but large tender chicken of 2-2.5 kg in weight.
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Pousse cafe

Spirit or liqueur served with the coffee after a meal.it can be either brandy; kirsch; Cointreau; Benedictine; Chartreuse; etc. Also ...
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Pre-Portioned. Pre-measured food items ready for cooking or serving.
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Predatory Pricing

Predatory Pricing is a�method for establishing merchandise prices with the purpose of driving competition from the marketplace.
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Preferred stock

Preferred stock is the capital stock that has contractual preferences�over common stock in certain areas.
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Preferred stock or shares

Preferred stock or shares is a form of stock or share issued by a company to raise money; generally ranking ...
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Prepaid expense

Prepaid expense is an expense paid for and shown as an asset until it is matched up with related sales ...
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Preventive maintenance

Preventive maintenance: A systematic approach to maintenance in which situations are identified and corrected on a regular basis. This will ...
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