Pre Opening – Hotel Checklist Format

Pre Opening Checklist sample format for Hotels / Resorts The hotel pre-opening process with attention to every detail will likely lead to a smooth opening and this will also help to ensure a successful future hotel operation. The pre-opening checklist should be prepared in such a way as to monitor all interdependent activities including the monitoring of the progress of the pre-opening. The General Manager and each department head will each have checklists and all should be coordinated and monitored for progress by the General Manager as project manager. New age cloud-based software like teamwork helps to easily manage the pre-opening task and collaboration with the stakeholders. It is said that one of the top ten mistakes made during the pre-opening stage is to not have a pre-opening checklist.
Pre Opening Checklist sample format for Hotels / Resorts The hotel pre-opening process with attention to every detail will likely ...
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Management – Achieving Energy Savings With Lighting Control

Saving electricity in guest rooms is not only environmentally responsible but also contributes to cost savings for hotels. Implementing energy-efficient practices not only reduces the hotel's carbon footprint but also enhances its overall sustainability. Here are some tips for saving electricity in the guest room: Energy-Efficient Lighting: Replace traditional incandescent bulbs with energy-efficient LED or CFL bulbs. These options use less energy and have a longer lifespan. Occupancy Sensors: Install occupancy sensors that automatically turn off lights and other electrical devices when guests are not in the room. This helps avoid unnecessary energy consumption. Key Card Switches: Connect the room's power supply to the key card system. When guests leave the room and remove their key card, it automatically turns off lights, air conditioning, and other electrical devices. Smart Thermostats: Use programmable or smart thermostats to regulate room temperature efficiently. Set temperature limits for when the room is unoccupied and adjust them based on guest preferences. Energy-Efficient Appliances: Choose energy-efficient appliances and equipment for the guest room, including televisions, mini-fridges, and air conditioning units. Educational Materials: Provide informational materials in the room that encourage guests to conserve energy, such as reusing towels, turning off lights when not needed, and adjusting thermostats when leaving the room. Natural Lighting: Maximize the use of natural light during the day by incorporating large windows and light-colored curtains. This reduces the need for artificial lighting. Unplug Electronics: Encourage guests to unplug chargers, electronic devices, and other equipment when not in use. Standby power consumption can be significant. Regular Maintenance: Ensure that all electrical systems and appliances in the guest room are regularly maintained. Properly maintained equipment operates more efficiently. Insulation and Sealing: Ensure proper insulation and sealing in the room to prevent air leaks. This helps maintain a comfortable temperature without overworking the heating or cooling systems. Water Heater Temperature: Set the water heater to a moderate temperature to avoid excessive energy consumption while still providing comfortable hot water for guests. Green Certification: Obtain green certifications such as LEED or ENERGY STAR for the hotel. Displaying such certifications can attract environmentally conscious guests. Energy Audits: Conduct regular energy audits to identify areas for improvement and implement energy-saving initiatives accordingly. Employee Training: Train hotel staff to be mindful of energy conservation practices and encourage them to report any malfunctioning or energy-wasting equipment. Feedback and Suggestions: Encourage guest feedback on energy-saving initiatives and consider implementing guest suggestion programs to gather ideas for further improvement. By combining these strategies, hotels can create a more energy-efficient and sustainable guest room environment, benefiting both the environment and the hotel's operational efficiency.
How To Save Electricity With Smart Systems And Procedures? Saving Electricity in the Guest Room For new hotel construction, choose ...
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Security – Establishing An Effective Guestroom Lock Policy

Establishing an Effective Guestroom Lock Policy The following steps outline an effective policy to protect the security of hotel guests by controlling the distribution of room keys and ensuring the effectiveness of guestroom locks. It also serves as a good example of how a safety program should be implemented. Notice the number of different components of a hotel’s operation that contribute to the effectiveness of this policy, from the use of technology (by installing electronic locking systems) to staff training (following procedures such as never announcing room numbers out loud) to management functions (performing a lock audit).
Establishing an Effective Guestroom Lock Policy The following steps outline an effective policy to protect the security of hotel guests ...
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Security – 10 Safety Rules When Working With Electricity

10 Safety Rules When Working With Electricity 1. When you’ve turned off a circuit breaker to work on a piece of equipment, always put a piece of tape across it so someone else doesn’t accidentally turn it on. 2. After the circuit breaker is turned off, always test the equipment with a voltmeter to make sure you turned off the correct breaker and there aren’t other circuit breakers that need to be turned off. 3. Always check the voltmeter to make sure it works by testing it in a live outlet that you know works. 4. When doing a “jump” test: Turn off the power, place the jumpers across the switch to be jumped, turn the power back on to observe the results, turn the power off, and remove the jumper. 5. Never leave a switch jumped longer than the few seconds it takes to see the results of the test. 6. Never work on electrical equipment if the floor is wet. 7. If you must leave a piece of malfunctioning equipment, take precautions to ensure no one else will try to use it. Leave a big note taped to the front explaining the situation (e.g., “Out of Order, Will be back with parts this afternoon”). 8. When a piece of equipment is “temporarily” fixed, never let anyone use it until you are certain it is safe. 9. Never call a job “done” until you have thoroughly tested it and are 100 percent sure it is safe and fully operational. 10. Always know where you can turn off the power quickly in case of a problem, whether it’s at the plug or circuit breaker.
10 Safety Rules When Working With Electricity 1. When you’ve turned off a circuit breaker to work on a piece ...
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HR – 3 Main Steps For Successful Hotel Staff Training

3 Steps for Successfull Presentation
Three Main Steps For Successful Hotel Staff Training Hotel Staff Trainer Presentation: Step 1: Use an Effective Introduction Step 2: ...
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Hotel Basic – Rules While Handling Guest Complaints

Hotel Basic Rules While Handling Guest Complaints There are reasons behind a guest complaint that we will never know. Things can build up in a guest, and by the time he reaches us, perhaps something happens that is the "last straw." There are those cases when you deal with a guest who naturally is a complaining person. It is our job to make things pleasant and comfortable for guests so that we don't give reasons for anyone to complain. When complaints occur, remember that a series of unfortunate experiences may have triggered a guest's anger, so try to be understanding and patient.
Hotel Basic Rules While Handling Guest Complaints There are reasons behind a guest complaint that we will never know. Things ...
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Management – Hotel Guidelines For Dealing With The Media During A Crisis

When a crisis occurs in a hotel, it's important to have a plan in place for how to handle the media. By following these guidelines, hotel staff can ensure that they are prepared to communicate effectively and efficiently in a time of crisis. Firstly, it's important to designate a spokesperson who will be responsible for communicating with the media. This person should be someone who is knowledgeable about the situation and who has received media training. Secondly, the hotel should have a clear message that they want to communicate to the media. This message should be consistent and should be communicated by the designated spokesperson. Thirdly, the hotel should be proactive in reaching out to the media. This can include issuing a press release, holding a press conference, or conducting interviews with reporters. Fourthly, it's important to be honest and transparent with the media. This means providing accurate information about the situation and being willing to answer tough questions. Finally, the hotel should be prepared to respond quickly to media inquiries. This means having a system in place for monitoring media coverage and responding to media requests in a timely manner. By following these guidelines, hotels can effectively manage their communication with the media during a crisis and ensure that their message is heard loud and clear.
Hotel Guidelines For Dealing With The Media During A Crisis When a crisis occurs in a hotel, it’s important to ...
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Management – General Manager’s Responsibilities In A Crisis

General Manager’s Responsibilities in a Crisis 1. Take the immediate action required to ensure the safety of guests and employees. 2. Contact the appropriate source of assistance; for example, the fire department, police, or a medical professional. 3. Implement the relevant portion of your emergency plan. 4. Contact those within the organization who need to be informed of the crisis. This might include your supervisor, the owners, insurance companies, and company safety and security professionals. 5. Assume the leadership role expected of management during a crisis. Demonstrate your competence and professionalism by showing a genuine concern for the well-being of those affected by the crisis.
General Manager’s Responsibilities in a Crisis 1. Take the immediate action required to ensure the safety of guests and employees. ...
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Security – Types Of Emergency Situations Encountered In Hotels

Types of Emergency Situations Encountered in Hotels Bomb Threat emergency. Fire Threat Emergency. Death of an In-house Guest in the hotel. Accident emergency. Lost and Found. Theft emergency. Illness and Epidemic emergency. Vandalism. Damage to property by the guest. Handling drunken guests. There are different types of emergencies encountered in hotels during the day-to-day operations and functioning of the hotel. These unforeseen emergencies can come across any time without any notice and the hotel staff should be well-trained to identify such emergencies and to be able to act quickly on them.
10 Types of Emergency Situations Encountered in Hotels There are different types of emergencies encountered in hotels during the day-to-day ...
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HR – Sample Reference Check Questions For Recruiting Hotel Staff

When conducting reference checks for recruiting hotel staff, it's essential to ask questions that provide insights into the candidate's work ethic, interpersonal skills, and overall performance in a hospitality setting. Here is a sample of reference check questions tailored for hotel staff recruitment: 1. General Performance: How would you describe the candidate's overall performance during their time at your establishment? Can you provide examples of specific achievements or contributions made by the candidate in their role? 2. Work Ethic and Reliability: How reliable and punctual was the candidate in fulfilling their work duties? Can you speak to the candidate's work ethic, particularly in a fast-paced hospitality environment? 3. Team Collaboration: How well did the candidate collaborate with colleagues and other team members? Can you share instances where the candidate demonstrated effective teamwork or leadership skills? 4. Customer Service Skills: In your experience, how did the candidate handle customer interactions and guest satisfaction? Can you provide examples of situations where the candidate went above and beyond to ensure positive guest experiences? 5. Communication Skills: How would you describe the candidate's communication skills, both with colleagues and guests? Can you share instances where the candidate effectively communicated information or resolved issues? 6. Ability to Handle Stressful Situations: In a dynamic and potentially stressful hotel environment, how did the candidate handle pressure and challenging situations? Can you provide examples of the candidate remaining composed during busy or high-pressure periods? 7. Adaptability and Flexibility: How well did the candidate adapt to changes in schedule or unexpected events? Can you share instances where the candidate demonstrated flexibility in their role? 8. Attention to Detail: In a hotel setting, attention to detail is crucial. How would you rate the candidate's attention to detail in their work? Can you provide examples where the candidate's attention to detail positively impacted operations? 9. Conflict Resolution: Did the candidate encounter any conflicts with colleagues or guests, and if so, how were those conflicts resolved? Can you speak to the candidate's ability to handle and resolve conflicts professionally? 10. Areas for Growth or Improvement: Are there any areas where the candidate may need further development or improvement based on your observations? Can you share any constructive feedback that could help the candidate succeed in a new role? These reference check questions are designed to gather valuable insights into a candidate's performance and suitability for a hotel staff position. Tailor these questions based on the specific role and requirements of the hotel job in question.
Sample Reference Check Questions For Recruiting Hotel Staff When conducting reference checks for recruiting hotel staff, it’s essential to ask ...
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