
Interfacing is the ability of computers to communicate electronically and share data interhotel property referrals: a system in which one ...
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Interim financing

Interim financing is the financing that is required for a new project from the time that construction is started until ...
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Intermediate host

Intermediate host is a transmitter of disease that is not affected by it. An example is the anopheles mosquito. it ...
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Internal audit

Internal audit is an appraisal of the operating and accounting controls of an establishment to ensure that internal control procedures ...
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Internal control

Internal control is a system of procedures and forms established in a business to safeguard its assets and help ensure ...
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Internal rate of return (IRR)

Internal rate of return (IRR) is a method of measuring the value of a long-term investment using discounted cash flow.
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Internet Distribution System

Internet Distribution System OR ADS – Alternate Distribution System – This refers to Online Travel Agents like Agoda; Booking . ...
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Intersell cards

Intersell cards are the credit cards issued by a hotel corporation; similar to private label cards.
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Definition of Inventory in Hotel Operation? Inventory is the stocks of merchandise; operating supplies; and other items held for future ...
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Inventory control

Inventory control are the management function of classifying; ordering; receiving; storing; issuing; and accounting for items of value.
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