Income ratio

Income ratio� is the basis for dividing both net income and net�loss in a partnership.
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Income statement

Income statement is a�report on the profitability of operations; including revenues earned and expenses incurred in generating the revenues for ...
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Income summary

Income summary is an account that receives the sums of all sales revenue and expense accounts when they are closed ...
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Incremental budgeting

Incremental budgeting�is�a method of budgeting whereby an increase; generally on a percentage basis;is automatically applied to last years budget.�
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Independent Food Service Operation

An operation owned by an owner or owners with one or more properties having no chain relationship. Menus; food purchase ...
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Independent hotel

A hotel with no chain or franchise affiliation. It may be owned by an individual proprietor or a group of ...
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Independent variable

Independent variable is an item that is not affected by what happens to another item. For example; guest room sales ...
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Indirect cost or expense

Indirect cost or expense is a cost not allocated directly to an operating department.
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Indirect method

Indirect method means determining net cash flows from operations by starting with accrual net income and adjusting it for changes ...
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The hotels organisational process to familiarise a new recruit to the organisation and workplace.
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