Half-day rate

Half-day rate is a room rate based on length of guest stay in a room.
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Hand Caddy

Hand Caddy:� A portable container for storing and transporting cleaning supplies and equipment.
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Handling capacity

Handling capacity� are the measure of the design of a laundry facility that relates to the amount and ease of ...
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Hard floor

Hard floor are the Non-carpeted� floor. These floors are among the most durable of all floor surfaces; but also the ...
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Hard key

Hard key�is�a metal device used to trip tumblers in a mechanical lock.
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Hard-key system

Hard-key system is a security device consisting of the traditional hard key that fits into a keyhole in a lock. ...
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Hardware is a computer equipment used to process software; such as central processing units;keyboards; monitors; and printers.
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Ornamental skewer used on large joints; particular cold ones on a buffet display.
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HazComm Standard

HazComm�- Hazard Communication Standard is the OSHA’ s regulation requiring employers to inform employees about possible hazards related to chemicals ...
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Health Club

Provides gymnasium; health baths; SPA; messages; etc.
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