
Small strips of fillets of fish approx 7 cm x 0.5 cm thick; usually fried and served in a bunch.
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A person who is very knowledgeable about wine and food and who enjoys savouring it.
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Gram – The basic unit of weight in the metric measurement system.
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Grand Master

Grand Master / Emergency Key: A Key which opens all guest rooms and doors even when they are double locked.
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Graph is a method of illustrating accounting information in pictorial form.
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Grass-fed is a�type of cattle spends its life in a pasture. Having eaten mostly grass; the meat is leaner than ...
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Green Hotels

Green Hotels are environmentally-friendly properties whose managers are eager to institute programs that save water; save energy and reduce solid ...
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Griddle – The process of cooking food on a flat; solid surface.
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Grill / Grilling – The cooking of food item over an open heat source on a screen or grid.
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Gross Margin

Gross Margin is the difference between the retail price the customer pays for merchandise and the cost of the merchandise ...
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