Finished sheet

Finished sheet is�a sheet size that includes the top and bottom hems.
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Fire are chemical decomposition of a fuel element through combustion or burning. For fire to occur and sustain itself; there ...
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First-in, first-out (FIFO) inventory costing

First-in, first-out (FIFO) inventory costing is a method of inventory costing where the earliest items purchased are assumed to be ...
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First-line worker

First-line worker��is a trained worker who performs hands-on work at the lowest level of the organization. works for a first-line ...
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Fiscal year

Fiscal year is an annual accounting period that is 12 months.
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FIT means Free Independent Traveler or Free Independent Tourist. A FIT is an individual or family or group less than ...
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Fixed asset turnover

Fixed asset turnover is the annual sales revenue divided by average fixed assets.
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Fixed assets

Fixed assets are the tangible assets of a long-term nature such as land; buildings; machinery; and equipment.�
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Fixed budget

Fixed budget is one that is not flexible or variable. one that is not adjusted to compensate for various possible ...
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Fixed charges

Fixed charges is the indirect costs such as property taxes; insurance; interest; and depreciation. Sometimes referred to as indirect costs.�
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