Double occupancy percentage

Double occupancy percentage is a measure of a hotels staff ability to attract more than one guest to a room. ...
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Double Occupancy Rate

Rate of double occupancy or rate for two guests occupying the room.
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Double rooming

Double rooming means�front desk accidentally rooms two separate guests or guest parties in the same room. usually occurs as a ...
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Double-declining balance depreciation

Double-declining balance depreciation is a method of accelerated depreciation that allocates a larger amount of depreciation expense in the earlier ...
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Double-entry accrual accounting

Double-entry accrual accounting is an accounting procedure that requires equal debit and credit entries in the accounts for every business ...
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Double-occupancy rate

Double-occupancy rate is the percentage of rooms occupied in a hotel or motel that are occupied by more than one ...
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Dough: A mixture of ingredients and liquids stiff enough to shape or knead with the hands.
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Downgrade is moving a guest to a lower category room and decreasing his rate.
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Draft-style is a good type of dot-matrix print.
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Dredging – Process of coating food with flour or other substance without the use of a batter or binding agent.
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