Discount rate

Discount rate is a percentage of the total sale that is charged by the credit card agency to the commercial ...
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Discounted cash flow

Discounted cash flow is a method of converting future inflows and/or outflows of cash to terms of todays dollars.
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Not tallying
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Discretionary cost or expense

Discretionary cost or expense is one that could be incurred but does not have to be at the present time.
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Discretionary income

Discretionary income is the money remaining from wages after paying for necessities such as food; clothing; and shelter.
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Disinfectants is a substance or means used to destroy pathogenic microorganisms.
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Disinfection is a condition existing when infectious material or infection(s) are removed.
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Disinfection (concurrent)

Disinfection (concurrent)� is a process used while disease is still in progress.
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Disinfection (terminal)

Disinfection (terminal) is a process used when disease is ended.
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Dissatisfiers are the items peripheral to a job; such as pay;working conditions; company policies; and quality of supervision; that if ...
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